Well, last night was a blast for me. Finally took the courage to enrol in Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management & Management in Murdoch University based in KAPLAN (that's quite a mouthful) and got myself few hundreds rebate too. Lucky me! (: I've been thinking for a few months on whether I should start my course for May or Sept intake and after discussion with friends, I went ahead to sign up for May's. Sadly, I might not have the chance to perform for R Recital this year as it will be around my exam week in mid-Aug. :( I really love to perform and especially be involved in Tina's piece! I find myself improving so much more when doing performance. I guess it must be the exposure that got me. Miss it already. Well, some sacrifices have to be made in order to hit my goal for the year. Striking it off my wishlist - start degree course!
On the other hand, I will still get to go for dance classes as and when I'm free so it's still not too bad. (: Putting away my negative thoughts, I get to enjoy a movie session with friend after work - Vampire Academy. We were supposed to watch "A Case of You", but Cathay only left with one screening time, which is at 1pm, so we opt for the latter. Vampire Academy is nice, especially you get to see the pretty female leads in action, slaying bad vamppy and writing their love stories (:

(I love Rose Hathaway - girl on the left) Super hot!!
Wasn't feeling hungry at all, even though we didn't have a full decent meal, we headed down to 313 for a cuppa Gelato. I don't remember seeing Earl Grey on their display, so wanted to give it try. Dayum! It's really fragrant and smooth! My second favourite on the list now!!
Okay, back to the topic of "A Year". Today's the official anniversary with my company - 06/03/2014. Time flies really fast and I can't believe I've served the company for so long already. The last time I felt time was flying when I'm still a student care teacher. Guess I really enjoy my job here uh? (: Life in here is still manageable for me, but I think because of the commitments I had lately, I'm getting restless every day I woke up. Sometimes I wondered, how did I overcome the hectic schedule of 3 days night classes, 2-3 days rehearsal and yet felt so energetic every morning? I must have been on cloud nine! For me, it'll be great if my schedule is packed everyday, so that I won't have think about what I should do after I get home. It'll get mundane and soon, laziness. I remembered I could do workout every single day after night classes and still feel fresh on the next day. Maybe age is catching up on me (i'm like 23 only?). Maybe it's the life of an adult, an adult whom completed studies and worry about career and marriage. Hah. Marriage, it seems scary to me already. I don't even have a boyfriend to start with. Meh. Falling on the dark thoughts again. Another goal in life - be content with what I have (:
Anyway, come down and support us for this coming dance competition okay!
Group name: Musetify
(We all got to know one another from Jolene's item and Muse was one of the hot picks)
Venue: S*CAPE The Ground Theatre (near toilet area)
Time: Event starts at 1pm (not sure which slot we are yet - look out for my updates on Instag!)
There's still pending cafe reviews, so try to be patient and wait for them yeah? Tempted to go for more cafe/food hunt soon!!
With love
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