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Monday, September 29, 2014

Small Updates

Hello everybody! Before you guys forget about this blog, here's a small update for us! (:

Felt sharp pain on my left gum last Monday and after enduring it for 48 hours, I've decided to ring Q&M Dental for Wisdom Tooth surgical removal. Deng Deng Deng! I had my right side removed last year due to infection and extremely painful sensation, so after that experience, I knew I have to remove it quick once there's pain. Dr. Andrew Yin took an hour long to remove the wisdom tooth, simply because he had to drill my tooth into several pieces and painstakingly taking it out one by one. The sound of the drill is really horrendous! And YAY to second wisdom tooth removal, hopefully I won't have to step into the dental again!

Brother's birthday falls on Friday and because of my recovery, we postponed the birthday dinner to next Saturday instead. But since, mum and brother weren't working on Friday, so we went out shopping! :D

Linda recommended a pair of Crocs sandal and I found it really comfy, so instead of getting one, I got myself 2 pairs of shoes from Crocs! A total of $134 spent! Thanks Mum! :D

There's 10% discount if you present PassionCard upon payment!

Sadly, I have to rush off for night class after getting the shoes. :( Wanted to buy cake for Eric but turns out, mummy bought for him instead! YAY! How can birthday boy not be getting a cake to end the night right?!

Happy Birthday Grumpy Pie! :p
*pardon my awkward smile due to surgery*

There's so much assignments for this semester and have not finished with one yet! *Procrastinating much* I will try (no promise) to do up a review on Healthsprings again 'cuz I'm pretty happy with my pimple-free skin now! :D

Take care lovelies!

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