The Influencer Network is a leading social media and PR influencer agency that connects your brand to a diverse and engaged audience through the power of our social influencers.
Our substantial social reach can be invaluable to brands or organisations wanting to target people of all ages online.
By harnessing the influence of semi-celebrities or bloggers, your brand gains access to a leading cross-platform media network specifically designed for men and women of all ages.
The Influencer Network manages East Centric Lifestyle Media, EastieBrekkie Print Magazine and
You must be wondering, "What services do they provide or how can they help me to become famous?"
Well, their services are:
1) Word of mouth marketing
2) Influencers Management
- Celebrities /Talents / Models / Bloggers / Sportsmen /Students / Trainers/ Entrepreneurs
3) Public Relations services
- Media Relations/ Issue Management/ Internal Communications/ Media Training/ Product Publicity/ Editorial Writing/Events Management
4) Social Media Marketing services
- Facebook Fanpage Management/ Blogger Engagement programmes/ Social Media Campaign management
I dreamed to be like some bloggers whom will get sponsors/products every now & then and to just blog/publicize about it o earn extra pocket $$$ ! :p
I believe The Influencer Network is able to achieve my goals! Yes, they can!!!! ((:
(Wendy, Hong Peng, Jacqueline)
Some of the familiar faces whom you might seen on TV adverts/Magazines/blogging platform are from The Influencer Network too!
If you love to blog and share about everything, wait no more!
Hopped on to for registration or visit/like them on Facebook and you might be surprised with what they're going to offer!
Transform corporate culture through managing change and undergoing a transformation process with visible outcomes.Regards,Priyanka